Tutorials on VPN

The SSH LAN Blog freely explores practical pathways to network security and provides you with a guide to being secure in the virtual space

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Complete Guide to Configuring DNS in Linux

Complete Guide to Configuring DNS in Linux

By following these steps, the DNS settings of your Linux system will be updated to use the specified DNS addresses. This action can lead to improved internet connection speed, enhanced security, and better access to online services.

 Complete Guide to Configuring DNS in Windows

Complete Guide to Configuring DNS in Windows

By following these steps, your DNS settings in Windows will be updated, and your system will use the specified DNS addresses. This can lead to improved internet connection speed, enhanced security, and better access to online services.

Types of Cyber Attacks

Types of Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks are among the escalating threats that have intensified with the expansion of information and communication technologies. This article examines various types of cyber attacks and the methods to counter them.

Tutorial and Introduction to SSTap for Connecting with SSH VPN Using Your Laptop

Tutorial and Introduction to SSTap for Connecting with SSH VPN Using Your Laptop

Among the Popular Methods for Secure Internet Connection, Using the SSH Protocol as a Secure Tunnel Stands Out. For This Purpose, SSTap Software Has Emerged as a Powerful Tool for Connecting to SSH Servers. In This Article, We Will Introduce This Software and Walk You Through the Steps of Connecting to an SSH VPN Using It.

Why a VPN is Better with SSH

Why a VPN is Better with SSH

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become an essential tool for securing internet connections and protecting online privacy.

LAN systems using SSH

LAN systems using SSH

SSH, or Secure Shell, is a network protocol that ensures high security in communications. This protocol uses data encryption to protect user information during transmission over the network.